High Dive Competition

The male team of Ken Flesch Jr., Erik Flesch,
Tim Sanders, John Tokarz, and Fred Tokarz
completely dominated the female competition
which failed to show up.

Ken Flesch Jr. won first prize for biggest
splash. John Tokarz won for highest
jump (by at least 5 feet).
Erik Flesch won for best form.
Tim Sanders won for youngest diver.
And, finally, Fred Tokarz was the winner
of the "oldest to go off the high dive" prize.

-- Fred Tokarz

A Friendly Game of Horseshoes



At the Jonesdale Sportsman's Club, Chris, Chelsea, Art, Ken, Paul and Bill made up the horseshoe teams.

They say that it was just a friendly game and that they didn't keep score. But look at the form -- the winner is apparent.



The course was very challenging with several hills throughout and tough greens.

Art Doyle had the best score 44-40 for a combined 84.

Next up was John Tokarz with a 46-42 for a combined 88.

Paul Lambis shot a 98 overall.

John and Mary Ward played 9 holes in a scramble format. Score was unknown.


In the next group were Chris and Fred Tokarz. This was Chris's first time ever playing and Fred's first time in thirty years. They did not keep score but had fun for the 9 holes they played.

Winners With No Effort

Oldest: Joe Doyle

Youngest: Chelsea Tokarz

Traveled farthest:
Erik Flesch & John Ward

Most distant relatives:
Alyssa & Madeleine Trull

Chris & Nancy Hawks